“Are you the Boss?” 09 ways to begin doing what you love (goal setting & time management) Today most of us have one complain and that is “we are too busy and don’t even have time to die.” Business that we have in our lives is…

Avoiding Hard Work is not Laziness; it’s Creative Laziness! You must be surprised by the tittle of the blog, must be. Because I thought all my blogs have been too serious, and I need a change of pace!   After all a blog on health…

Our modern diet has caused many of us to be deficient in certain minerals and our dental health can be adversely affected. Our cavities and those of our children are being linked to nutritional deficiencies. It is really importan…

Does multitasking affect your health? It may seem that it increases productivity and saves you time and energy, and many women are proud of their multitasking skills. However, ongoing research has confirmed that multitasking can …

People are busy. Routines often begin early in the morning and end with little energy late into the night. This continues all week, all, month, and most of the year. Just like this takes a toll on adults, it has a huge effect on …

What is an eating disorder? This is a behavioural condition in which your normal eating becomes disrupted and is rewarded in an unhelpful way. The way addictions disrupt and interrupts normal function, but in the case of eating d…

Why is water good for you? Water is practically everywhere, from soil moisture and ice sheets, to cells within our own bodies. Depending on factors such as location, fat index, age and sex, the average human has between 55 and 60…